My Reading List

Posted January 25, 2010 by Michael @ Knowledge Lost in Literature / 0 Comments

The more I read the more I discover, but also the more I find that I need to read.  I keep finding more and more books that I really want to read. Like the ‘1001 Books you must read before you die’ I want to read all of them. I never use to be a read and I wish I trained myself to read when I was younger. I feel like I’ve missed so much by not reading. But now, with a passion for writing has also come a passion for reading and I want to explore this passion more and more.

For some reason I seem to ignore most of the modern books and I rather go for the classics. Not that it’s a bad thing; It is a great thing, though I feel like I’m reading a language that doesn’t get used anymore. The old 1800’s books have such beauty and elegance in the way they are written, it’s a shame that the English language has changed.

So If you look up the top of my blog I’ve now added my Reading Goals for people to look at and recommend more books to read.

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