Question Tuesday: Why Read?

Posted May 22, 2012 by Michael @ Knowledge Lost in Question Tuesday / 0 Comments

A few weeks ago I discussed my reading history and now I want to cover why I read. For me, I love to be told a story, I love to immerse in a completely different world. I’ve also found that now I’ve become a reader, there are a lot more books out there that I really want to read. It seems like for every book I read, I discover at least two other books I want to read. I did get so overboard with my to-read list that I had to cull it to the essentials. Not that I don’t want to read all the books that were on my TBR list, but I’m finding it really hard to keep up with all the books I want to read. There are too many books out there but so little time; I sometimes wish I could speed read so I can catch up with all the books but I think I would miss immersing myself in a book. As said before I do set myself a reading goal every year and I hope one day I’ll have enough knowledge in literature that I might be able to better recommend books to other people.

0 responses to “Question Tuesday: Why Read?

  1. Alison

    I read because I love stories in whatever form; plays, books, film. I can get inside so many heads through reading. Travel to soapy places. Experience so many things. I probably have more reasons.. 🙂

  2. Brenda

    Sounds like you’ve been inside my head Michael! Pretty much the same reasons as me…it’s so hard to understand it when people say they don’t like to read!

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